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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Mementos - Christmas Card (Child's Handmade) - Celebrate the Season

Holiday Mementos - Christmas Card (Child's Handmade) - Celebrate the Season

This memento - a handmade paper Christmas tree -  was made for a now distant Christmas but still rings true to the season.  Hope your holidays are joyous too.  With love, Cynthia G.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Indigo Blue Ceramic Teapot - American Traditions - Afternoon Teatime

Indigo Blue Ceramic Teapot - American Traditions - Afternoon Teatime

This teapot was a gift from a family member honoring the fine tradition of afternoon snacks and tea time.  It has been a decorative item in my house - a reminder of good times and weekend afternoon chats with friends and family.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Modern Asian Glazed Tea Cups Decorated with Grass Style Calligraphy - Japanese and Chinese Tea Rituals

Modern Asian Glazed Tea Cups Decorated with Grass Style Calligraphy - Japanese and Chinese Tea Rituals

These modernized tea cups are inscribed with calligraphy for poetic elements such as the moon.  The cups are gifts from a close family member celebrating the fine ritual of the tea ceremony.  I have been privileged to be served in an authentic Japanese tea ceremony and to visit fine Chinese tea rooms as well.  The memory of gently holding the tea cup and absorbing the warmth, fragrance and gentle steam of the tea is unforgettable.  The style of the cups in this post form a nice East-West artifact and a set of mementos for the ritual of tea time.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Grandmother's Lamp - Mementos of Light

Grandmother's Lamp - Mementos of Light

This post features the delicate pattern from the base of a beige pink lamp that was owned by a special family member.  The lamp occupies a dedicated corner of my home and when turned on reminds of the warm glow that filled the evening hours when visiting this loved one.  Lamps and the light given by one person can fill the heart and save the soul from the cold of the winter season.  I hope to enjoy the  many lights of the upcoming season with joy and merriment.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Memory Book Gift (Handmade) - Mementos of Friendship - Roses

Memory Book Gift (Handmade) - Mementos of Friendship - Roses

This beautifully crafted booklet featured photos of times remembered and was gifted to me by a close personal friend.  It brings joy to the heart even now as a reflection of an enduring bond that has deepened and grown over the years with sharing of thoughts and life experiences.  I post it in celebration of friendship.  "Make new friends but keep the old...."

Memories Fade Like Roses

Page with Dedication
Memory Book
Pink Polka Dot Bow

Back of Book with Calligraphy Label
Long View of Rose Print Book Cover

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rose Painted Glassware and Embroidered Napkins - Antiques Collected - Manners and Mementos

Rose Painted Glassware and Embroidered Napkins - Antiques Collected - Manners and Mementos

Sometimes collected antiques gain meaning because of associated memories of similar pieces which were part of a personal past.  Such is the case with the two pieces in this post. The glassware reminds of lemonade and milk and cookies.  The cloth napkins are a reminder of the politeness and grace which are still the rule at many fine dining events. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Toy Memorabilia (Butterfly Stamp Print)

Toy Memorabilia (Butterfly Stamp Print) 

Butterfly Stamp Scallop Edging

Butterfly Stamp Print

This post includes a butterfly stamp printed on a gift from my personal collection.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Eating Utensils - Laquer and Inlay Chopsticks - Asian Cuisines and Artifacts

Eating Utensils - Laquer and Inlay Chopsticks - Asian Cuisines and Artifacts

Now widely familiar to cultures world-wide, chopsticks are eating and cooking utensils - cultural artifacts - associated with many of the cuisines of Asia.  The pair shown in this post serve as a decorative memento of many wonderful meals and of the days when I learned to use chopsticks by meeting the challenge of learning to pick up a single peanut or a single grain of rice. Now I simply enjoy the pleasure of using them once more when I am lucky enough to dine out eating at Chinese or Japanese restaurants.