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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Globe circa 1980's

My Globe circa 1980's

Since my younger years I have been a fan of maps and globes and their ability to educate and direct explorations to and around about places unknown.  This globe harks back to the times of my youthful travels and is for me an artifact from my experiences around the world in Africa and Asia. I used a globe to understand latitude and longitude and once to develop an around the world ticket with Pan Am picking destinations not too far off a cost effective central latitude to keep my ticket in the thousand dollar price range.  I understood the power of altitude as well to make a warm latitude cold and snowy or a sea level area dry and barren.  I still think Kenya has the most beautiful climate and geography that I ever witnessed.  Check out too that this map shows the Soviet Union as a unified block.  We have lived through and survived changing times undoubtedly.  

An excellent description of latitude and longitude is found at this link

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