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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Teak Tapo Slit Drum (Idiophone)

Teak Tapo Slit Drum (Idiophone)

Slit Drum

Slit Drum
I was able to identify my tapo teak drum as a slit drum on a website with lots of pictures similar to my own prized memento.  Occasionally in life it is important to mark a personal landmark with a purchase.  Among the handful of such items for me is this drum that I bought soon after beginning to earn my first salary as a professional.  I rationalized that even a grim professional deserved a little music in life.  Today the celebratory purchase would likely be an artifact such as an iconic hand bag.  I was a child of a different era so I chose instead a symbol more in tune (no pun intended) with my own history. The beautiful tones of the drum romanced me even when played randomly and reminded me that life was about more than facts and numbers. I have since learned that this style of drum is part of a wonderful history of wood instruments that cuts across many cultures and time periods.  I was even privileged recently to have the instrument played properly by a professional musician - an African drummer.  It was an amazing moment to hear the full capacity of the instrument under skilled hands.  Most of the time though  I just gaze at the slit drum periodically on its shelf  for a gentle reminder of the value of music in life and culture.  Find a history of the slit drum at these two sites and

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