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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cherished Traditions - The Christmas Tree - Happy Holidays

Cherished Traditions - The Christmas Tree - Happy Holidays

For many years Christmas was centered around the tree decorated with bright lights and shiny trimmings many of which had been saved over decades. This photo shows one of the best efforts for this cherished tradition from years past. The picture is a warm memento of the beauty of the holidays. Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cherished Recipes - Mementos of Food and Holidays - Breakfast

Cherished Recipes - Mementos of Food and Holidays - Breakfast

One of the best ways to pass cherished memories to friends and family is the gift of a recipe. Recipes are the source of fond memories of good times in the kitchen and good food enjoyed. One look at a recipe can bring a memory of scents and loved ones and a special time of year.  All this love from a picture and a few scattered but measured words on paper passing along today's valued learning to another day.  I share in the photos some memories of breakfast dishes, past and perhaps future too.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Walters Art Museum - Chamber of Wonders - Constructing an Individual's Personal World

Walters Art Museum  -  Chamber of Wonders  -  Constructing an Individual's Personal World

At the Walters Museum "Chamber of Wonders" the museum has constructed an imaginary individual's history based upon personal objects collected from the17th century in the Netherlands. See more at

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Canal House - Technology Triumph

Canal House - Technology Triumph 

See news of a special technology being applied in the Netherlands at this link

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

3-D Scanning for Artifact Preservation - Amazing Technology!

3-D Scanning for Artifact Preservation - Amazing Technology!

Imagine if this picture of Thailand's ancient architecture was available as a 3-D image?

Then consider this link at for a description of technology that will work to preserve cultural artifacts in 3-D form for future generations. Better preservation even than the pyramids maybe?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Virtual World Mementos - A New Concept

Virtual World Mementos - A New Concept

This post is a link to news on the challenges in saving mementos from "virtual worlds." An article from a blog with the Library of Congress explores next generation questions on how to pass to the future the creations of virtual world artists and artisans.  See more at this link

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fourth of July (Repost) - Celebrate With Our Neighbors

Fourth of July (Repost) - Celebrate With Our Neighbors

Fireworks are an artifact going all the way back to no less than the Chinese emperors.  This artifact produces memories which last a lifetime...what would the Fourth of July be without fireworks. Check out below my own personal memories from my essay on stadiums and cook-outs and fireworks viewed sitting on the grass.  Feel free to leave your comments and share your personal memories on these historic emblems of Independence Day. (This  essay was posted for the first time in July 2013 in a post titled "Fourth of July Fireworks, an Essay and Tips ...."  The photograph is another view of the flag.)

Fourth of July holiday weekend always means fireworks.  It more likely also means steamy hot and humid.   I love summer it is my favorite season and the summer holidays were special when I was young - Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day.  The trio of patriotic celebrations covers the summer months.  The celebrations are all about good citizenship, a very important attribute for a country and its inhabitants.  We are celebrating work, freedom and sacrifice.  The trilogy stands in opposition to the laziness of the long hot summer.  We get a vacation in the languid peace of a long summer day to look at the harvest of our patriotism.

From my grandparents’ home you could see the baseball stadium in the distance.  The fireworks would rise from the stadium walls seeming to explode over the crowd sitting on blankets and metal folding chairs.  We gathered together and sat on the soft grass and you could feel the closeness with all your neighbors, and America truly seemed a great nation.

Back then sports teams were not so glorified, they were simply loved.  The joy of a home team was in the home town spirit not the star players..  You knew your team colors and the ultimate banner was red, white and  blue.  Everyone could recognize the beauty and power of the flag unfurling across a summer sky and the glorious sound of the Star Spangled Banner being sung.  Team USA was as real as the neighborhood softball league.  

Fast forward to 2000 and the new millennium.  The trilogy looks different some days. 

Internet connections sometimes overtake the virtues of hard work.  The values of the fifties have faded some and washed out like old blue denim jeans.   Yet, our holidays are still here and perhaps again briefly under the fireworks we are still neighbors and friends in real life.  And we celebrate what is good about living in a country where we can still gather round and remember to believe in each other one more time. 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Vintage Photograph of Baby

A Vintage Photograph of Baby 

This post is a statement of a father's love for his young daughter. The value in the first photographs of a baby is without measure. This photo comes from my family and celebrates the blessing of children and a loving home.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Monday, May 19, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Beautiful Gift - Mother's Day

A Beautiful Gift - Mother's Day

Love to all of the mothers - "whatever is beautiful look on that." And to the creator of this card - you are most wonderful - God loves you.. Forever and always....

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Graduation Caps - Mementos of an Education

Graduation Caps - Mementos of an Education

To the graduating classes of 2014 congrats.  The post today features a set of graduation caps in memory of the ceremonies that mark achievement as a student.  The caps are to honor graduates everywhere wishing for them much happiness and success in their futures.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Vintage Photographs - Spring Blossoms - Tulips

Vintage Photographs - Spring Blossoms - Tulips

One special memory is held of a neighborhood where spring gardeners created beautiful blooms to greet visitors and passerbys. The vintage photograph below captured the community spirit and warm welcome of bright flowers extended by this neighborhood years ago to its members and guests.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tools of the Needlework Craft - Embroidery and Needlepoint Hoops

Tools of the Needlework Craft  -  Embroidery and Needlepoint Hoops

These circular tools are created by the bending of wood strips into rounded frames. Each is a beautiful memento of the crafts of needlework. The collection shown in this post was put together as a gift to a family member who is the creator of many of the needlepoint pieces featured in other posts on this blog. These pieces can be found under the label needlepoint. They are the finished work which was assisted by the simple artifact of the hoop.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mother of Pearl Compact - Family Memento

Mother of Pearl Compact  -  Family Memento

A makeup compact is a personal family memento charged with meaning.  The passing of a compact to another generation highlights the tools of grooming and beauty.  A brush and comb set or shaving kit are other personal artifacts that can capture special memories as mementos.  Featured in this post is a compact which has bridged a couple of generations so far.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Wednesday, January 29, 2014