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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner

It was good.

Thanksgiving Dinner 

Thanksgiving Meal

Apple Pie

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving - Child's Handmade Greeting Card

Happy Thanksgiving - Child's Handmade Greeting Card

              Holiday Greetings to All.  Enjoy that turkey everyone.  Wishing everyone good times.              

                                                              Cynthia G.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Taj Mahal - Pastel at Sunset

Taj Mahal - Pastel at Sunset

The pictures show a pastel portrait of the Taj Mahal, the famous memorial to a beloved spouse in India.  It was a sunset colored work in pinks and purples created many years before travel to India allowed me to see the actual magnificence of this wonder of the world.  In person the view was in the bright splendor of daytime so the building shone with the brilliant ivory color of white marble.  For more information on the reason for the creation of the Taj Mahal see this link

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beaded Purse - Style Mementos

Beaded Purse - Style Mementos

Costume jewelry, scarves and purses can achieve the status of cultural artifact or sometimes even icon as well as serve as a memento of good times for the owner of a prized and fashionable belonging.  These items are often passed down through generations conjuring images of stylish and fashionable relatives generous enough to gift their treasures away to younger family members.  The photographs in this post feature a spring time fashion item in beautiful pink green and white beading whose owner was famous for her Sunday church dress and was an usher for many years.  Fashion for fun and elegance is captured in this style worthy bag.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fine Crystal Vases - Wedding Presents.- Artifacts of Elegance

Fine Crystal Vases - Wedding Presents - Artifacts of Elegance

A traditional gift to mark momentous events is the crystal vase.   These beautiful vases form lasting images that can stretch over many generations with admiration and enjoyment of their beauty.  The two vases shown in this post portray the elegance of an item that is an artifact of celebration and significance in many elegant homes.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Baby Blanket - Pastel and White Crochet - Handmade Baby Shower Gift

Baby Blanket - Pastel and White Crochet - Handmade Baby Shower Gift

This beautiful hand-made crochet blanket was a shower gift celebrating the birth of a baby in my family.  It serves as a special memory of a cousin who has passed away now but took the time to create by her skilled hands this cozy wrap to bundle a loved one. It is a treasured memento with its own personally designed label from the maker.

Travel Log Photo 29 - Africa circa 1980 - Young Woman with Bowls of Fufu and Sauce

Travel Log Photo 29 - Africa circa 1980 - Young Woman with Bowls of Fufu and Sauce

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013