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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cloisonné Salt and Pepper Shakers and Vase from Taiwan

Cloisonné Salt and Pepper Shakers and Vase from Taiwan

The Cloisonné pieces, a vase and salt and pepper shakers, featured in today's post are less mementos and more artifacts gathered on shopping excursions while living for a year as a teacher in Taiwan.  I was not only fascinated with the fine craftsmanship shown in textile pieces in Asia, I also was attracted to pieces of painted and enameled art. These items often were sold in fancy glass walled shops in the museums and expensive hotels. The items displayed below have gained a slight patina of age, now beginning to resemble more the ancient and dynastic heritage of the pieces of this art that have survived through the ages.  I present them as small reflections of this fine work by Chinese artisans. ( A description of this paint on metal art form is found on the Metropolitan Museum website at

Cloisonné Salt and Pepper Shakers

Cloisonné Vase

Cloisonné Vase Inside

 Cloisonné Vase Bottom

Salt and pepper shaker bottoms


  1. I'm working on a blog post about Kuo cloisonne, of which your vase and s&p shakers seem to be examples. Can you tell me more about these items - for instance, did you purchase them in the 70s, or 80s, or 90s? Do they show the bottom trademark stamp?

    Thank you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The cloisonné vase and the salt and pepper shaker set were purchased new by me in the 1970's from a shop as I recall in the lower level of the Grand Hotel, Taipei,Taiwan. Related photographs from this time period in my travels are under the label Taiwan on my blog. The cloisonné was acquired as gifts for family members. The two pieces to my knowledge were made in Taiwan during the same time period when purchased; there is no stamp visible on either item ( see additional photos updated to the post). Thanks for your interest and comment. Please send a link when you finish your post.

    3. Thank you. Here is the link:
